Construction Skills Transfers
“Teach a man to fish and he’ll never go hungry”.
AIT have been involved in many infrastructural and maintenance projects over the years in Lesotho. We pride ourselves on developing and providing well planned and excellently built and renovated spaces for the communities we work with. We have a fantastic team of volunteers who work both at home and in Lesotho to ensure that that buildings and projects we work on provide for the immediate and future needs of the community.
One of the corner stone’s of Action Irelands Trusts policy is our very successful “Building Skills Transfer Program”.
Each year 40-50 skilled and un-skilled volunteers head to Lesotho for two weeks. Projects and resources are all planned in advance and are continuously on-going, thanks to the dedication of our team. At AIT we strive to give back to the local communities and the main bulk of building materials are all sourced and purchased locally. Local tradesmen and civilians are hired to work alongside our team of volunteers.
The “Building Skills Transfer Program” is only one of the many projects Action Ireland Trust is supporting in Lesotho. With our team of volunteers eager to share their experience, knowledge and know how, the “Skills Transfer Program” facilitates the sharing of a wide range of practical building and management skills. The program is designed to connect people, particularly young adults eager to learn a trade and professionals expanding their skills set, with the experience of the Action Ireland Trust team.
The mantra “Talent is your Wealth” is as much prevalent in Lesotho as it is in every country, where the competition for a good education and ability to identify life skills, add significantly to improving the opportunity of a better and more secure and fulfilling future.
Acquiring a “Skill” that generates an income is a passport out of poverty for many, but it can also stimulate an aspiration of the possibilities of an individual’s unlimited potential.
At AIT we strongly believe in sharing the skills and talents of our volunteers and students with the communities in Lesotho.
Our fantastic team of volunteers and the students from Portmarnok Community School share their skills in music, swimming, arts and crafts, I.T., sports and dance. These programs support our main projects in Education, Construction and Maintenance and Mapping and they also ensure that our trip to Lesotho is hugely enjoyable for volunteers, students and the communities we visit.